Saturday, May 11, 2019

Still here. Just tired.

Thank you for all the kind words, cards, support and hugs.  They mean the world to me!  I wanted to have a clever title for this post like “Time is a flat circle” and reference the line from True Detective and somehow tie it in to history repeating itself or self referencing or being meta or maybe seeing the future or past in the present.   But “I’m so tired.”  Which actually is so meta.  I wrote a song called Caledonia Blues a long time ago about being too tired to face a recurrence if it knocked on my door again.   And it’s true.


And I’m just taking Tamoxifen (an oral medicine - not the big guns like chemo which is way more harsh).   But I also had to switch another medicine I am on because it interfers and makes the Tamoxifen ineffective.  So, while I get the meds sorted out, I’m a bit off.  I’m sure it will even out and and my body will find my new normal and all that shit.  But right now, I get exhausted.  And I have a brain fog.  And sometimes I can’t find the right words for things.  Or I get words mixed up.  Like shave and dust.  It’s weird.  It’s frustrating.  But I’m ok.  And am glad to be proactive and in treatment.

This is me being tired but happy. 


viola said...

sending you lots of love. xo

Misty Caldwell said...

You are beautiful.