Wednesday, June 10, 2009

random thoughts and images.

last week, the turkey poults graduated to free-range status. they have taken to it well. love the bugs and pond water and tall grass. i think they have doubled in size since.

delray, little bit, and the chop have been enjoying their new fenced-in-yard freedom. but it does get them tuckered out.

the GLOPs have moved to the front field so that the goats, sheep and pigs can graze in back field. change went smoothly. and little bit loves her big sisters.

the bit and lil'ann

and me, well, i keep busy these days, mostly in the garden. mostly on weed/grass control. tired of dirt stained hands, i finally gave in and painted my finger nails a dark brown. but the garden is getting there. transplanted the pepper plants over the weekend. and have been slowly replacing our 30 or so tomato plants we lost during the storms.

1 comment:

Kendra Holliday said...

YAY for turkey graduation! I have a crush on the big white tom. He has such potential...