Tuesday, July 29, 2008

i'm melting.

i'm sitting here typing this post, drenching with sweat. it's just too hot. might have to spring for a window a/c unit. thought i could tough it out. i am really enjoying the next-to-nothing electric bills. i am cheap. but i don't know. today, i got nothing done. it was just too darn hot. and it's hard to get work done when there is no refuge.

i only managed the minimum today. fed the pups. picked some tomatoes. and checked stella's milk sack. i think we may be getting close. her nipples are engorged. praying it's soon. she looks miserable. and i'm tired of feeling up my donkey!

meanwhile, i've joined yet another on-line farm animal support group. i know, i know, i need to get out more, right? but where else does one go to find out why their goofy llama keeps pooping in her pond? yes, baby snakes has taken to relieving herself in the cow pond. it's not natural. it's where she drinks! what's wrong with her?

don't do it, baby!

oh, and i did snap a pic of our new rooster, little jim. no eggs today, though. perhaps the honeymoon is over?

little jim making his move

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