so a recent follow-up with my oncologist earned me a trip to hospital for a slew of tests. some due to my recent GI problems. and one due to new breast cancer screening guidelines. i started my day with a breakfast of a radioactive contrast iv. then a long and loud not-so-relaxing nap on the breast mri table for some scans. next i headed down the hall for an ultrasound of my gallbladder. i got to hear my liver (or at least a blood vessel in my liver). it sounded just like a heartbeat running through a distortion pedal and a phaser. never knew my liver sounded so cool. next i got to sit in the ct scan prep room. for 2 hours i got to drink some really nasty flavored lemonade and watch daytime tv. then for lunch i received another radioactive injection. and took a power nap on the ct scan table. finally i finished the day off with some good old fashioned xrays. when i left the hospital, i swear i glowed in the dark.
good news is, i survived last week's colonoscopy. and pathology of polyp came back completely benign. big sigh of relief.
not so good news. my mri showed some suspicious spots. i need to go back to hospital for an ultrasound for comparison. i know that a mri can often show false positives. so i'm trying not to worry. but that is easier said than done. thankfully i am equipped with plenty of bubble bath, xanax, and red wine.
i will leave you with a picture from a recent trip to my in-laws. a new batch of pups were born. we have no idea who the father was, but he obviously wasn't a beagle. i'm afraid the mother has a bit of a reputation. none the less, the pups are inherently cute and naturally photogenic.
puppy pictures just get better and better. cant wait to play with em tomorrow.
I'm so sorry you are having to go through all this.
I keep telling you a relaxing trip to Florida is in order.
I'm working on summoning up the courage to get back to SIS. It's slow in coming.
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