Friday, October 27, 2006


"it was a pleasure then
when we could sit and stare again
until the stars fell through
the cloudy trees onto the grass
stars to smile with us
until they too had tears in their eyes"

from "it was a pleasure then" by nico
from the 1967 album "chelsea girls"

goodbye my friend
we will miss you.


Anonymous said...

larissa, so sorry to hear about Nico..what a beautiful gravesite you made.
Nico will always be rememebered as one of the "three wise cats"!
love kristi

Anonymous said...

Hi Larissa, so my parents never told me you had a website but now i found it im not really familiar with it but i wanted to tell you that im sorry about Nico and i know how it feels to lose a cat. My mom told me you were coming to see us soon! im excited to see you!
-Love Samantha

Anonymous said...

very poignant. nico/fattie was a pretty great cat. the best of em if you ask me.

Anonymous said...

well, that last comment was from me. and i forgot to sign my name.

larissa said...

samantha, hey! glad you found my site. yes i am coming to visit in a few weeks. what's your email addy? mine's

drop me a line sometime!


Lori said...

What a beautiful stone for Nico. I'm glad you did that. We left a stone for Joey at our old place in Manhattan and the people there still mention it. It just has her name.

Where did you bury Nico? Is that in your backyard? It's beautiful. Yes, I remember the Three Wise Cats, too. I love your holiday photos.